Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Magnificent Natural Foods that helps you Gain MuscleMass

    These superb Foods helps you gain your muscle

1) Skinless Chicken - chicken is a great source of low fat protein helps for muscle growth and your body development    

2) Eggs - eggs are the most nutritious food which comes with many vitamins , calcium and Zinc.

3)Fruits and Leafy vegetables - fruits and leafy vegetables which are highly rich in proteins and vitamins without fat content helps your immune system and body weight.

4) Whole Grains - whole grains  comes with lot of fiber which helps in building your muscle and helps in digestion and mainly   helps to control your weight and blood pressure

5) Oatmeal - Oats are most healthiest foods which lowers your blood pressure and controls sugar levels and helps to rebuild your muscles. It mostly  improves your immune systems  

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