Wednesday 27 May 2015

7 Surprising Facts About Nano Particles To Our Health

1. Silver nano particles are released from silver ware. Drink water from a silver jug or eat with a silver spoon and you are eating and drinking silver nano particles. As silver ware has been around since Roman times we've been doing this for a couple of millenia now and of course if you were born with silver spoon in your mouth you have probably been doing it more than most.

2.People have been intentionally dosin themselves with silver nano particles for over a hundred years. Collodial silver suspensions of silver nano particles in a liquid were popular before modern antibiotics come along. Their use has become widespread again in recent years as a cure for well if you read the claims almost anything  apparently. There is no clear evidence that drinking silver is good for you, but evidence never stopped people from self-medicating before.

3.Silver nano particles are pretty good at killing microbes but it's the silver ions that they slowly release that do most of the damage. This means you don't necessarily need nano particles make products that kill bugs using silver for instance, the Michigan company crypton makes commercial fabrics used everywhere from Hyatt hotels to McDonald's that use silver ions to inhibit bacterial growth and products using X- static silver technology are widely used by athletes, the military, medics and others. Both companies use silver as an anti bacterial agent but as far as can be told neither company uses nano particles.

4.It's hard for pathogens to develop resistance to silver nano-particles because they interfere with microbes in multiple different ways , However Indiscriminate use of silver as an anti-bacterial agent could still increase the chances a resistance developing which isn't great news if you're relying on it to protect particularly vulnerable patients.    

                                                                                                                                                  5.      If you're exposed to enough silver it'll turn your skin blue a condition  called on Agryria. This is cosmetically interesting but not fatal. In fact its thought that royal were originally called blue bloods. Because you guessed it those silver spoons turned their lips delicate shade royal blue.

                                                                                                                                                  6.     silver nano particles aren't likely to be much more dangerous they other forms of silver in the human body as it's the ions that cause the most damage. Although it's still possible that  research may throw up some surpriser . nano particles for instance might find it easier to get to sensitive places like inside cells before dissolving and releasing their pay load of silver coins and we may still find that the nano- particles trigger the body's immune system in ways that ions do not that said couple of millenia of imbibing silver nano particles hasn't thrown up any obvious risk red flags yet.   

                                                                                                                                                   7. In  contrast silver is bad news for the environment. we learned this with environmental from the photo graphic film industry. silver nano particles were atleast as harmful as the same amount of silver in any other form possibly more so if the nano particles get places other forms of silver cannot.This has got some people wonder whether putting silver everything from socks and kids toys to her bed sheets and carpets is a bad idea.

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