Monday 13 April 2015

Health Tips Ten Everyone Must Follow For A Healthy Life

     Healthy tips everyone must follow inorder to stay healthy and live a happy life. 

Here are some  best healthy tips which keeps you active and healthy throughout the day. To protect yourselves from harmful diseases which might make you sick and suffer you must have some safety measures . wanna be healthy wanna follow this .

Here it Goes:

1 .Breakfast is the most vital meal. It should not be missed in order to refuel your body from functional metabolic changes during long hours of sleep. It is best to include carbohydrates, fats and proteins such as combination of fruits ,bread toast and breakfast cereals with milk.

2. Maintain a well balanced diet for a healthy living. A well balanced diet is Eating different kinds of nutrition foods in proportion. It will boost your energy and will improve your welfare. Excessive as well as deficiency of specific vitamins and minerals can also cause undesirable effects to your health.

3. Be conscious on how much salt you take in during snacks and meals. The table salt is sodium chloride which is widely used as flavor enhancer. High intake of this sodium is a risk factor of diseases like high blood, heartburn, osteoporosis and other cardiovascular diseases. Reduce your consumption of salty foods

4. Stay away from buffet it will possibly tempt you to eat too much for what you have paid otherwise you can go for fresh fruits , vegetables salads and low fat foods. Stand firm and resist your craving to refill for second time.

5. Limit intake of processed foods as in canned goods, refrigerated and dried foods. The food processing alters the natural components of foods which make it less beneficial to the body. The use of chemicals to preserve ,control and enhance the flavor can be more damaging to the systems of body than enhancing health.

6. Consider eating whole foods, which are more nutritious with its natural compound intact. Start eating whole foods by adding slices of fresh fruits and vegetables to each and every meal.

7. The best and healthy way of preparing poultry for a meal is to remove the visible skin and fats prior to its cooking. Roast bake or broil poultry instead of deep frying to prevent oil absorpotion. Among the parts, the chicken breasts contain high protien and low fat which makes it better choice.

8. Water is vital to sustain a healthy life. It is recommended to drink at least 8 ounces of 8 glasses everyday. It aids the cells tissues and organs to function normally .Body water deficit or dehydration can cause serious damage to kidneys and other organs which may result to mental confusion coma and even death if not given medical intervention immediately.

9.  Drink orange juice or eat orange everyday. Citrus fruits are high in vitamin C that can enhance your immune system which improves our resistance to infection. It also facilitates in the absorption of iron for the prevention of anemia. Other sources of vitamin C include berries, tomatoes, kiwi and green leafy vegetables.

10. To have a brighter and healthier eye, eat foods rich with vitamins A, C,E, beta-carotene and lutein. These are all anti oxidants that can decrease your risk of eye problems especially the age related macular degeneration which can cause blindness as you grow old. It can all be taken from leafy veggies.

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